
2020 Global Responsibility Report

The 2020 release of General Mills' Global Responsibility Report marks our 50th year reporting to stakeholders.
2020 Global Responsibility Report cover

Food, Planet, People and Community

Our2020 Global Responsibility Reportdescribes our performance across four key focus areas: Food, Planet, People and Community.

And it’s become clear, through the impact of COVID-19, that our mission to make food the world loves, as well as our work to be a force for good, matters more now than ever.

"We are in the food business,” says Jeff Harmening, chairman and CEO. “And taking care of the land that sustains us all requires that we act as a force for good for our planet. That is why, for more than 50 years, we’ve reported our global responsibility results and progress. At a time with so many unknowns, when food is bringing a sense of comfort and normalcy, it’s never been more important to commit ourselves to growing our food with responsibility and care.

In 2019, General Mills and its Foundation committed to advance regenerative farming on one million acres of farmland, enabled 5.5 billion meals around the world through philanthropic partners and food donations, and invested in efforts that have collectively helped improve the lives of more than 22,000 smallholder farmers and their families.

"Our global presence allows General Mills to create real impact, at every level,” says Mary Jane Melendez, chief sustainability and social impact officer. “We are committed to using our scale where it matters most. For us, that means advancing regenerative agriculture, supporting farmers across our value chain and accelerating our ongoing efforts to end hunger and reduce food waste."
