Talk about equality

Jack Armstrong on the Wheaties Box Fictional Jack Armstrong was the first to appear on a Wheaties box. It was 1934.

A fictional character, a baseball player and a female pilot were the first three faces on aWheatiesbox.

In 1934,Wheatiesfeatured New York Yankee first baseman Lou Gehrig. He was the first living person featured. Fictional Jack Armstrong had already made an appearance on the box earlier that year, a first forWheaties. Later in '34, daring aviator Elinor Smith became the first woman to appear on the box.

Gehrig and Smith were on the package back—although Gehrig forged a path. It wasn't long before the brand and baseball cemented a relationship. By 1939, 46 of the 51 players selected for Major League Baseball's All-Star Game endorsed the product.

直到1958年someone appeared on the package front. That was Olympic pole vaulter Bob Richards, who became the brand's first spokesperson.

By 2016,Wheatieshad featured seven official spokespersons: Richards and fellow Olympians Bruce Jenner and Mary Lou Retton; football's Walter Payton; tennis player Chris Evert; basketball's Michael Jordan; and golfer Tiger Woods.

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